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Evie is an imaginative but lonely girl, whose father recently died. Her mother is inattentive due to grief-induced depression and so Evie finds ways to entertain herself. She decides to head out into the park to hunt for trolls. When she comes across some of her classmates playing hide and seek, she is scorned for being weird and they tell her to go away.

In tears, she runs across a bridge and realizes it is a stone bridge. She goes to investigate. Evie calls out to the troll under the bridge and receives an answer from the darkness below. At first scared, Evie puts on a brave face, brandishing her sword, an old cane, but soon realizes that the troll is friendly and sad, just like her. They bond over their lost family members while sharing some food from Evie's backpack.

Upon realizing that the sun is setting, Evie becomes scared but the troll offers to walk her home. When they arrive at the edge of the park they see Evie's mother frantically calling for her. She begins to call the police but the troll tells Evie to go to her mother and she does. She runs to her and they embrace. They cry and hug, sharing in their mutual affection for one another and giving each other the comfort they both desperately needed since Evie's father died.

This is where the special thanks would go!  I’m assuming they will be a little longer this week, therefore, I designed extra space for them. If there is far more description and special thanks then there is space, this entire box becomes scrollable.

Special Thanks:

Lauren C. Brits



Troll Hunter

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